Submit your wackiest, crazy, funny candid wedding-event related shots to Inspired
Goodness for a chance to win a free Canditto kiosk for your upcoming wedding!
We all know that sometimes the photos you remember most from weddings are not the ones the professional
photographers took, but rather the snapshots your friends and family snuck during the fun ‘behind the scenes’
times. To celebrate those silly moments, Inspired Goodness and Canditto are excited to announce the first ever
Candid Eye Candy Contest to give one lucky bride-to-be free rental of a Canditto kiosk for the night of her
wedding. With this new device, the grand-prize-winner can collect copies of all of her guests’ digital photos onsite,
and receive a CD-rom at the end of the evening. The prize is open to anyone in the New England area (MA,
CT, VT, RI, NH, ME).
Contest Details:
Your mission is to provide Inspired Goodness with your very best candid pictures from any wedding-related event
(showers, bachelorette parties, past weddings, etc.) We’re looking for fun, quirky, crazy and silly pictures. All
submission must have been taken by friends or family members (no professional photographer pix, please) and
should include a short description of the photo details.
How winners will be chosen:
Inspired Goodness and Canditto will select the top 3 finalists, revealed on Monday, July 28, 2008 and Inspired
Goodness’ readers will have a chance to vote for your favorite at that time. The winner will be announced by
Inspired Goodness on Thursday, July 31st, 2008 and Inspired Goodness will post a link so you can view all the
submitted entries.
Submission details:
When you have your photo selected, send it to contest@inspiredgoodness.com.
Make sure to include the following information with your submission:
Your name:
Photo description:
Your wedding date:
Your wedding location:
Your blog/wedding website:
Submission deadline: Friday, July 25th, 2008, Midnight EST.
Thank you all and HAVE FUN - we can’t wait to see all the photos come in!!! Thank
you again to our generous sponsor, Canditto! To learn more about Canditto and
their amazing product, check out their FAQ at www.canditto.com/FAQ
Package value worth over $400. Prize is transferable to New England area residents and
valid for redemption through December 31st, 2009. Alternate prize of similar value may be
substituted at vendor’s discretion
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