"Dishing for Dana: bad-ass bloggers cooking comforts for a cause! (cue uproarious applause)
Our (amazing) friends in the online community have encouraged us to hold an online fundraiser, but receiving without giving isn’t really our jam. To that end…
♥ We’re compiling beloved comfort food recipes and the stories behind them from the most bad-ass bloggers and beyond… available in varying forms, in exchange for donations to my medical care.
♥ There are incentives for varying levels of donation, which you can learn about here.
♥ The recipes, photos and stories will be teased on our Dishing for Dana blog, and once a donation is processed, a password to access the full recipe database will be released to each donor."
Here is how you can help:
How you can help
♥ We need donations. Every little bit counts and is so appreciated. What is my healthcare and the health of The Broke-Ass Brand worth to you? Could you skip a cup of coffee at Starbucks today? Could you pack your own lunch for a week at work? Could you donate a little now, and a little later? We’ve made the payment process simple and flexible, and even a $1 donation is a buck more than we had yesterday. We’ve created fun incentives to reward donors at certain levels, which you can learn about here.
♥ We need HYPE. Please help us spread the word in any way you can. We have incentives for you, too! Anyone who blogs about the project will be linked to in a post here, linked to in the sidebar of our Dishing for Dana Blog and also receive a credit in the acknowledgments of the book. If you don’t have a blog, but can email, facebook or tweet about it to your network, we’ll credit you in the acknowledgments, too. This project will only work if we can get the word spread far and wide… from brides to foodies to mommies to the evening news, any help we can get would be tremendous!♥ We need talent. Want to donate your blog design talent, graphic design skills, PR prowess, or layout mojo? We could use all the help we can get. Have a skill to offer that we haven’t mentioned? Let us know – we’d love to have your support, and we’ll do everything we can to give you the exposure and credit you deserve.
♥ We need recipes. If you a blogger who would like to share your most treasured comfort food recipe, we’d love to have you involved. Contact us and we’ll send you more information. We aim to cover all kinds of comfort foods, from breakfast to dessert, from the utterly decadent to the calorie-conscious, from gluten-free to vegan to meat-topped-with-cheese… bring it all on!
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